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Real-Time Updates in Your Trip List
Real-Time Updates in Your Trip List

Cruisen’s dynamic real-time updates ensure that you are always updated with your clients’ actions and preferences.

Michael Catlow avatar
Written by Michael Catlow
Updated over a week ago

Cruisen’s real-time updates transform the way you manage trips, making it easier to collaborate with clients, stay informed, and provide exceptional service. With every action instantly reflected in your trip list, you’re always notified, ensuring a seamless planning experience for your clients.

How Real-Time Updates Work

  1. Instant Notifications for Client Actions:

    • When a client interacts with their trip, such as sending a message, liking a cruise, or selecting a sailing, you’ll be notified immediately in your Advisor Dashboard.

  2. Dynamic Trip List:

    • Your trip list automatically updates to reflect the latest client actions, so you don’t need to refresh or manually check for updates.

  3. Navigator Chat Integration:

    • When clients send messages or engage with cruises in Navigator Chat, you’ll see these updates in the trip workspace.

What You’ll Be Notified About

  • New Messages: When a client sends a message in Navigator Chat.

  • Liked Cruises: When a client uses the “Like” feature to show interest in a specific sailing.

  • Selected Sailings: When a client selects a cruise for further planning or booking.

  • Trip Updates: Any changes to trip details, such as added guests or updated preferences.

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